HACK.CORRUPTION – first anti-corruption hackathon in Moldova


    UNDP Moldova in partnership with the National Anticorruption Center, with the financial support of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs launches the very first anti-corruption hackathon in Chisinau, Moldova! Garage48 has joined forces with CIVITTA Estonia to organize the event.

    Get ready to have 48 hours full of fun, coding, building, designing and thinking BIG to bring valuable impact for the society you live in! If you’re ready to HACK.CORRUPTION and bring in technology to build something crazy and innovative to support the society you live in, this event is for you!

    Open data, social media, and information technologies create endless opportunities to bridge the gaps between the public, civil society and state institutions in fighting corruption. You can produce the lines of code and design the tool that will help enhance civic engagement and the possibility to address cases of corruption, or bring more awareness on this issue which affects every single citizen in Moldova.

    We expect 50+ people to work on crazy ideas – mobile apps or web platforms that address corruption, with a target to have fun while doing it. Experienced local and international Garage48 mentors will be there to guide you through the 48 hours of team work.

    NGOs, start-ups, talented front-end, back-end, mobile developers, designers, investigation journalists, visionaries, and other participants interested in making an impact in society – grab your seat! You can apply with an idea or as an independent participant and form teams on spot, or apply with a team in advance.

    After 48 hours of work on the anti-corruption IT solutions, teams will pitch their ideas and first prototypes, which will be evaluated by an expert jury.

    The 3 best solutions will be awarded $10,000 to continue the development of the idea into a full working IT tool! Moreover, winners will be coached during 6 months by a team of local and international mentors to ensure support in timely and productive development of the solutions.

    Applications and other IT solutions can include:

    • mobile phone applications, targeting instant corruption reporting and involving the public in the reporting of corruption cases;
    • watchdogs in the area of corruption;
    • increasing transparency and accountability of public institutions;
    • collecting and analyzing data from citizens on availability, satisfaction, reliability and quality of public services, responsiveness of service providers, hidden costs and irregularities;
    • monitoring government and services’ performance and expenditures related to development plans;
    • involving citizens in public decision making and participatory budgeting, including in remote/rural areas of the country;
    • other anticorruption related subjects

    The conference agenda and details about available mentors and jury are on site http://hackcorruption.tech/


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